Wednesday, December 15, 2010

First MAJOR project: Construction of a NEW and IMPROVED basement!

It all started with a little dirt hole in the wall...

very slow going digging by hand and removeing the dirt in buckets

just getting back from the abt tour to see the progress think construction and mike had made

The original sistern is exposed, still holding water! 

things are really looking good
the temp. was pushing 90

Jeff said, "Tommorow I'm bringing something that doesn't look like my grandma's Mantis rotatiller!"

oh ya!

the kictch sink was under the far window

Jeff and Ed are not messin around!

clay pit from hell is getting deeper

we can now walk from room to room

looking to the west into the existing basement

Paradise lost...(for now!)

GODS of concrete block!  Jeff Mitchell of Think Construction and Mike Diedrich

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